Bash compare version numbers

Here is a little script to help compare version numbers in the format X.X.X using bash/shell. This can be good if you are trying to find out which version is higher for something like an upgrade. versionlte() { [ “$1” = “`echo -e “$1\n$2″ | sort -V | head -n1`” ] } versionlt() { [ContinueContinue reading “Bash compare version numbers”

DotNet User Secrets Feature

A little unknown feature of dotnet is User Secrets. This is used to create local App Setting overrides to set values for local usage. This can be a handy and powerful tool for keeping your local setup separate from checking in code. You can find more details on the Microsoft Documentation here The goalContinueContinue reading “DotNet User Secrets Feature”

Setup Hyper Guest for SSH without IP Address

When setting up the Hyper-V Guest hosts, I found it a little tricky and hard to find documentation on how to easily set these up, so I thought I would share how I got them into a configuration with the most simple process. With this setup you can also SSH into the Guest Host evenContinueContinue reading “Setup Hyper Guest for SSH without IP Address”

Microsoft Upgrade Assistant

Dotnet Core has been released for a very long time now and everyone is getting on the cutting edge of the SDK technology when it is realeased. However, there has been some assistance missing in helping, especially .Net Framework projects,  upgrade to the next version. Now 2021 they have brought the tooling out! and byContinueContinue reading “Microsoft Upgrade Assistant”

SSH to Hyper-V Virtual Machine using SSH.NET without IP Address

I have uses the Dotnet Core Nuget package SSH.NET to SSH into machines a few times, is a very simple, slick and handy tool to have. However, you cannot SSH into a Virtual Machine(VM) in Hyper-V that easy without some extra fiddling to get an exposed IP Address. With your standard SSH command you canContinueContinue reading “SSH to Hyper-V Virtual Machine using SSH.NET without IP Address”