Should you unit test CSS?

When I told a college I was going to write some unit tests for CSS they went crazy, and I do see why, however I think it can be valuable in the right way. I would like to describe to you why I think doing unit tests on CSS can be worth your time as a developer and also beneficial to the project.

How to put items in a Circle in CSS LESS

Through the depths of the internet I have search and found a method to put items on a circle using a CSS preprocessor. However it was in SCSS and I work in LESS, by which I mean the preprocessor not just less things. So I have converted it over to the dark side of LESS and broken down how it works below, I hope this helps

Visual Studio Code Cookie Snippet

If you didn’t know, Microsoft release an editor called Visual Studio Code and if you didn’t know, Visual Studio Code can handle Snippets and extensions. These Snippets can be created by Visual Studio and by the coding community. These can be simple modules to help coding or full languages. I have found a use toContinueContinue reading “Visual Studio Code Cookie Snippet”